The topic is Changes in energy Level Calculations. calculate energy value for levels n=1 to n=7; given En=-Rh/n2 R=2.180 x 10 -18 J

h=6.626 x 10 -34 J.s

I then need to plot them -- I cannot get started.

I don't know how to help. Substitute R and n and calculate E. I would use

E = 2.180E-18 x (1/N^2)
For n = 1 you have
E = 2.180E-18 x (1/1^2) = 2.180E-18 J.
For n = 2
E = 2.180E-18 x (1/2^2) = 2.180E-18 x 1/4 = ?

To calculate the energy values for levels n=1 to n=7 using the formula En=-Rh/n^2, where Rh = 2.180 x 10^-18 J and n represents the level number, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the formula: En = -Rh/n^2

Step 2: Substitute the given values for Rh and n into the formula.

For n = 1:
En = -Rh/(1^2) = -Rh

For n = 2:
En = -Rh/(2^2) = -Rh/4

For n = 3:
En = -Rh/(3^2) = -Rh/9

and so on, until n = 7.

Step 3: Once you have calculated the energy values for each level, convert them to joules using the equation E = hv, where h = 6.626 x 10^-34 J.s (Planck's constant) and v is the frequency. Since the energy levels are given, assuming each level corresponds to a unique frequency, you can directly use the calculated energy values.

For example, for n = 1:
E1 = hv1 = (-Rh)(v1)

For n = 2:
E2 = hv2 = (-Rh/4)(v2)

Continue this calculation for each level, substituting the corresponding Rh value for each n value.

Step 4: Plot the calculated energy values on a graph, where the x-axis represents the level number (n) and the y-axis represents the energy values in joules (E). Label the axes accordingly and mark the appropriate points for each level.

By following these steps, you'll be able to calculate the energy values for levels n=1 to n=7 and plot them on a graph.