what type of clause or phrase is used in the sentence: we hit a snag while rowing to shore

The adverb phrase is while rowing to shore. It modifies the verb hit.


The phrase used in the sentence "we hit a snag while rowing to shore" is "while rowing to shore." This is a prepositional phrase.

In the sentence "we hit a snag while rowing to shore", the phrase "while rowing to shore" acts as an adverbial phrase. Adverbial phrases, like adverbs, provide additional information about the verb in the sentence. In this case, the phrase "while rowing to shore" explains when or under what circumstances the action of hitting a snag occurred.

To identify the type of clause or phrase in a sentence, you can analyze its function and the role it plays within the sentence. In this case, the phrase "while rowing to shore" functions as an adverbial phrase, modifying the verb "hit" and specifying when the action occurred. By breaking down the sentence and examining the structure, you can determine the function of each clause or phrase.