1. Describe a SPECIFIC EXAMPLE of how increased temperature can change cellular processes.

2. What FACTORS (can be properties of animals or the environment) determine how wide a range of temperatures a species can tolerate? Be as comprehensive as you can.

1. One specific example of how increased temperature can change cellular processes is the denaturation of proteins. Proteins are crucial molecules involved in various cellular functions. Each protein has a unique three-dimensional structure, which is essential for its proper functioning. However, when exposed to high temperatures, proteins can undergo denaturation, which causes them to lose their structure and functionality.

The process of denaturation occurs when high temperatures disrupt the weak chemical bonds holding the protein's 3D structure. These weak bonds include hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and van der Waals forces. When these bonds are broken, the protein's structure unfolds, leading to a loss of its active conformation.

Denaturation can have severe consequences on cellular processes. For example, enzymes, which are specialized proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions, may lose their catalytic activity due to denaturation. This means that important metabolic processes in the cell that rely on enzymes would be disrupted. Additionally, denatured proteins can form aggregates or precipitate, further impairing cellular functions.

2. Several factors determine the range of temperatures a particular species can tolerate:

1. Thermal Physiology: The ability of an animal's physiological systems to function at different temperatures influences its temperature tolerance. For example, some animals have specialized adaptations to regulate their body temperature, such as endothermic animals that can maintain a stable internal temperature despite changes in the environment.

2. Metabolic Rate: Species with higher metabolic rates typically have higher temperature tolerances. This is because a higher metabolic rate implies a greater ability to generate heat and cope with temperature fluctuations.

3. Evolutionary History: The evolutionary history of a species plays a role in its temperature tolerance. Species that have evolved in environments with extreme temperature variations are often better adapted to tolerate a wider range of temperatures.

4. Genetic Diversity: Genetic diversity within a species determines the adaptive potential to different temperatures. Populations with higher genetic diversity are more likely to have individuals with variations that can withstand a broader temperature range.

5. Acclimatization and Adaptation: Many animals can acclimate or adapt to new temperature conditions by adjusting their physiological, morphological, or behavioral traits. Acclimatization occurs over a short time, such as hours or days, while adaptation develops over generations.

6. Environmental Factors: The physical characteristics of the environment, including temperature variations, humidity, and availability of shelter, can influence the temperature range a species can tolerate.

7. Ecological Interactions: Other species and their interactions within an ecosystem can influence temperature tolerances. For instance, predators or competitors might affect the temperature range a species can survive in by limiting their access to resources or influencing their behavior.

It's important to note that temperature tolerance is often a combination of factors, and the specific range an organism can tolerate will vary depending on the interplay of these factors.