6. During division in cellular reproduction, the DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell is distributed to two

A. chromosomes.
B. clones.
C. simplified cells.
[D. daughter cells.]

The correct answer is D. daughter cells.

During division in cellular reproduction, the parent cell goes through a process called cell division. This process results in the formation of two identical daughter cells. The DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell are distributed equally between the two daughter cells.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and C based on their incorrect descriptions.

A. Chromosomes are structures that contain DNA and are present in the nucleus of a cell. While chromosomes are involved in cell division, they are not themselves the result of division nor do they contain the DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell after division.

B. Clones refer to genetically identical organisms or cells that are produced through asexual reproduction. While cell division results in the production of genetically identical daughter cells, it is not appropriate to refer to them as clones.

C. Simplified cells is an incorrect term and doesn't accurately describe the process of cell division.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer is D. daughter cells, as it accurately describes the outcome of cell division.