Analyze the sentence to select the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified in the appropriate boxes below.

Please get to bed early since you have a test tomorrow.

Adverb Clause: since you have a test tomorrow

Subordinating Conjunction: since
Word(s) Modified: get to bed early

In the given sentence, the adverb clause is "since you have a test tomorrow," the subordinating conjunction is "since," and the word modified by the adverb clause is "get."

Analyze the sentence structure:
- The main clause of the sentence is "Please get to bed early."
- The adverb clause "since you have a test tomorrow" acts as an adverbial modifier, providing additional information about the reason for getting to bed early.

Subordinating conjunction: The subordinating conjunction in this sentence is "since." It introduces the adverb clause and shows the relationship between the main clause and the adverb clause.

Word(s) modified: The adverb clause "since you have a test tomorrow" modifies the verb "get" in the main clause, specifying the reason for the action.

Subordinating conjunction = since

Adverb clause = you have a test tomorrow

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Hint: look up 'since' here: