California has more national parks than many other states. The sum of the two digits in its number of parks is 6. Both digits are even. If California has fewer than 30 national parks, how many does it have?

there are only two small even numbers whose sum is 6: 2 and 4

no. parks: 24



To solve this problem, we need to find a two-digit number that fits the given conditions. Let's consider the available information.

1. The sum of the two digits is 6.
2. Both digits are even.
3. The number of parks is less than 30.

Let's begin by finding the possible combinations of two even digits that sum up to 6. The even digits are 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8. Since the sum is 6 and both digits are even, the only possibility is 2 and 4.

So, we know that the number of national parks in California is a two-digit number that has 2 and 4 as its digits, in some order. There are only two possibilities: 24 or 42.

Next, we check if the number of national parks is less than 30. Both 24 and 42 satisfy this condition. However, since we are told that California has more national parks than many other states, we can assume that the answer is the greater of the two possibilities.

Therefore, California has 42 national parks.