Question from the story Metamorphosis.

Describe the mood of the story and how it makes you feel. How do you think Kafka wants you to feel about Gregor Samsa?

To describe the mood of the story and how it makes you feel, you will need to analyze the details provided in the story and identify the emotions they convey. In the case of "Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, the mood can be interpreted as a combination of despair, alienation, and absurdity. The author employs elements such as Gregor Samsa's transformation into an insect, his family's rejection, and the isolation he experiences to deepen this feeling.

The story's mood evokes a sense of hopelessness and entrapment. Kafka portrays Gregor's existence as futile and meaningless, accentuating feelings of sadness and despair. The strained relationships between Gregor and his family exacerbate these emotions, as they view him with disgust and even resort to violence.

Kafka aims to evoke sympathy from the readers towards Gregor Samsa. Despite the revelation of his metamorphosis, Kafka highlights Gregor's compassion and dedication towards his family. He presents Gregor's transformation as a disturbing physical manifestation of his inner torment, thereby inviting the readers to empathize with his plight.

Additionally, Kafka employs the use of irony and absurdity to portray Gregor's situation. The surreal circumstances surrounding his transformation and the subsequent events intentionally provoke a sense of confusion and unease. This further emphasizes the sympathy that readers may feel towards Gregor.

Overall, Kafka wants readers to experience a mix of empathy, sadness, and a subtle sense of the absurdity that exists in the human condition through Gregor's character.

Does your teacher really want to know what I feel?