Which of the following is NOT always true about parents who ask for special treatment?

A They are trying to take advantage of a teacher.
B They want the best for their child.
C They require thoughtful consideration of how to provide for request.
D they won't understand if told no.

And your answer is?

Since the word "always" is in the question -- none of the answers is correct. We can't say that any of these answers is always false.

I pick A

What about D?

But A is probably the best of these bad choices?

Answer is A

To determine which of the following statements is NOT always true about parents who ask for special treatment, we need to analyze each statement individually.

A) "They are trying to take advantage of a teacher."
This statement is not always true. While some parents may have ulterior motives when asking for special treatment, it would be incorrect to assume that all parents have malicious intentions. Some parents may simply have concerns or specific needs for their child.

B) "They want the best for their child."
This statement is generally true. Most parents, when asking for special treatment, are motivated by their desire to provide the best possible opportunities for their child. However, it is not always the case for every parent.

C) "They require thoughtful consideration of how to provide for the request."
This statement is generally true. When parents ask for special treatment, it is essential for educators to thoughtfully consider how to meet their requests. However, there may be situations where immediate accommodations or adjustments are not feasible.

D) "They won't understand if told no."
This statement is not always true. While some parents may be disappointed or disagree if their request is denied, it would be incorrect to assume that all parents will not understand. Many parents are understanding and open to dialogue, even if their request cannot be granted.

Based on the explanations above, the statement that is NOT always true about parents who ask for special treatment is:

A) They are trying to take advantage of a teacher.