I am writing my college essay. I amwriting about the most unforgettable experience i've had and how it impacted my life. I am writing about when my dad was arrested.

I have my opening (see below) but I don't know how to continue can you help.
The opening is

When I refelct on the events that have impacted me, i return to the morning of june 13, 2008. The man that has been my hero would be taken from me. This man is my dad. The sadness in his eyes as he was being taken away would leave a scar that i would have t deal with for years to come. The man, who is everything to me, would no longer watch me grow into the young lady i am today. The tragedy of knowing he will not be here during important times in my life has made me take a good look on how my life will proceed

Natural curiosity leads me to wonder why your dad was arrested. Was he convicted? How did this impact you?

My dad was arrested for things done on the computer. Yes he was convicted on May 4, 2009 and will not be released until June 2015.

It has impacted my life in so many ways. My mind is blocked because I don't know how to start my next paragraph..can you heelp??

Brainstorm. Write down all of the ideas you have. Then let it sit for a day or so. Gradually I'm sure the details and organization will come to you.

I have brainstormed and have many ideas.. The essay is due tomorrow.. and I am blocked... I just cant firgure on how to start... Please help...

Can you help me with this.. I am stumped...

The only to get your essay written is to follow my directions above. Then just start writing. You may have to revise several times -- but at least if you have words on paper, you have something to revise.

The best cure for writer's block is to jump in and WRITE!

Your opening paragraph sets a strong tone for your essay by introducing the circumstances and emotions surrounding your father's arrest. To continue your essay, you can expand on the impact this experience has had on your life. Here are some suggestions for the next few paragraphs:

1. Describe the immediate aftermath: Explain the confusion, shock, and emotional turmoil you experienced in the days and weeks following your dad's arrest. Share how his absence disrupted your daily routine and affected your relationships with family and friends. Discuss the challenges of adapting to a new normal without his guidance and support.

2. Reflect on personal growth: Narrate the path of self-discovery you embarked on as you navigated through the difficult emotions. Share specific moments of introspection or realizations that helped you develop resilience, maturity, or a deeper understanding of yourself. Discuss any positive changes in your perspective on life, relationships, or your own ambitions.

3. Highlight the support system: Discuss the people who stood by your side during this challenging time. Describe the role of family, friends, or mentors who provided comfort and guidance. Elaborate on how their support helped you find strength, cope with adversity, and move forward. Acknowledge the importance of community and relationships in healing and growth.

4. Explore the long-term impact: Delve into how this experience has shaped your aspirations, values, or career goals. Discuss any specific interests or passions that were sparked as a result. Reflect on the resilience and determination you developed in overcoming obstacles and how these qualities continue to influence your present life choices or future plans.

Remember to be authentic and vulnerable in sharing your journey. Use vivid and descriptive language to draw the reader into your story, and be sure to tie your experiences back to the broader themes of personal growth and resilience.