The number 57,733 contains two sets of digits in which one digit is ten times as great as the other. What are the values of the digits in each set?

30 is ten times greater than three. 7,ooo is ten times greater than 700

I interpreted this answer to be 7,700 and 33. This is more of a riddle than a standard math problem.

7,000 is ten times 700 and 30 is ten times 3.

the number 57,733 contains two sets of digits in which one digit is ten times as great than the other. what are the values of the digits in each set?

33 and 77


Itz A

To find the values of the digits in each set, we can break down the number 57,733 and examine each digit.

Let's start by writing the number in its expanded form:
57,733 = (50,000 + 7,000 + 700 + 30 + 3)

Now, let's examine the digits and their corresponding place values:
(5)0,000 + (7),000 + (7)00 + (3)0 + (3)

We need to find two sets of digits, where one digit is ten times as great as the other. Let's assume the smaller digit is represented by 'x' and the larger digit is represented by '10x'.

Case 1: The unit's digit (3) is ten times the other digit.
3 = 10x
Solving for x, we find that x = 0.3. However, since the digit cannot be a decimal, we disregard this case.

Case 2: The tens digit (3) is ten times the other digit.
3 = 10x
Solving for x, we find that x = 0.3. Disregard this case, as we already know the unit's digit cannot be a decimal.

Case 3: The hundreds digit (7) is ten times the other digit.
7 = 10x
Solving for x, we find that x = 0.7. Disregard this case since the digit cannot be a decimal.

Case 4: The thousands digit (7) is ten times the other digit.
7 = 10x
Solving for x, we find that x = 0.7. We now have a valid digit.

Case 5: The ten-thousands digit (5) is ten times the other digit.
5 = 10x
Solving for x, we find that x = 0.5. We have another valid digit here.

Therefore, we have two sets of digits:
Set 1: The thousands digit is 7, and the other digit is 0.7.
Set 2: The ten-thousands digit is 5, and the other digit is 0.5.

So, the values of the digits in each set are:
Set 1: 7 and 0.7
Set 2: 5 and 0.5

In the number 57733 contains two sets of digits in which one digit is ten times as great as an other what are the values of the digits in each set

Please see my previous answer.