Hi, would someone kind please tell me, what the symbolisms are in Hamlet?

Thank you



Of course! The symbolisms in Hamlet help to enhance the themes and provide deeper meanings to the play. The link you provided, SparkNotes, is a great resource to understand the symbolisms in Hamlet.

To get started, you can follow these steps to find the symbolisms in Hamlet on SparkNotes:

1. Visit the SparkNotes website by clicking on the provided link: http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/hamlet/themes.html

2. Scroll down the page until you find the section titled "Themes, Motifs, and Symbols.”

3. Click on "Symbols" within that section.

This will provide you with a comprehensive list of the main symbolisms in Hamlet, along with explanations and examples. Some of the prominent symbolisms you will find in Hamlet include the ghost, Yorick's skull, and the play within the play.

By exploring these symbolisms, you will gain a deeper understanding of the play and its underlying themes. Enjoy uncovering the rich symbolism within Hamlet!