Albert Ellis depicts the relationship between irrational belief and negative emotions through use of:

A. A contingency contract
B. dialectical theory
C. The abc model
D. Observational learning

The correct answer is C. The ABC model.

To understand how Albert Ellis depicts the relationship between irrational belief and negative emotions, we need to explain the ABC model. The ABC model is a central concept in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), which was developed by Albert Ellis. It is a cognitive-based approach to understanding the connection between our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

According to the ABC model, our emotional and behavioral reactions are not directly caused by external events (A), but rather by our beliefs, interpretations, and thoughts about those events (B). This means that it is not the events themselves that cause us distress, but rather our perception and evaluations of those events. Ellis argued that irrational beliefs, such as demandingness, catastrophizing, and absolutism, are more likely to lead to negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, and depression.

The ABC model also suggests that activating events (A) trigger a specific belief system (B), which then leads to emotional and behavioral consequences (C). Ellis emphasized that by identifying and challenging irrational beliefs, individuals could modify their emotional responses and subsequently change their behaviors.

In summary, the ABC model illustrates how irrational beliefs (B) can contribute to negative emotions and behaviors (C), rather than simply being a result of external events (A). Therefore, the correct answer to the question is option C, the ABC model.