Which coins would you use to make $0.28? Write two ways

One way to make $0.28 using coins is:

1. 3 quarters ($0.25 each)
2. 3 pennies ($0.01 each)

Another way to make $0.28 using coins is:

1. 2 quarters ($0.25 each)
2. 3 pennies ($0.01 each)

To make $0.28, you can use different combinations of coins. Here are two ways to achieve that:

1. Method 1:
- 1 quarter (25 cents)
- 3 pennies (1 cent each)

To calculate this, you would add the value of the coins together: 1 quarter (25 cents) + 3 pennies (3 cents) = $0.28.

2. Method 2:
- 2 dimes (10 cents each)
- 1 nickel (5 cents)
- 3 pennies (1 cent each)

Again, adding the value of the coins together: 2 dimes (20 cents) + 1 nickel (5 cents) + 3 pennies (3 cents) = $0.28.

It's important to note that while these methods provide two combinations to make $0.28, there could be additional combinations using different coins as well.

1 quarter plus 3 pennies

2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies