6. Which of the following statements about the field of child development is correct?

A. It’s devoted to understanding human constancy and change over the lifespan.
B. It’s part of a larger, interdisciplinary field known as developmental science.
C. It focuses primarily on children’s cognitive and social development.
D. It studies infants’ perceptions of the world.

I'll be happy to check your answer.

During the middle of the twentieth century, North American psychology was dominated by

A. evolutionary theory. C. neuroscience.
B. cognitive development. D. behaviorism.
What is a major limitation of the psychophysiological method?
A. Investigators can’t be sure that an infant or child has processed a stimulus in a certain way.
B. Most physiological procedures can’t be used on infants and children.
C. Most physiological procedures require injection of a radioactive substance.
D. The nervous system isn’t sensitive to changes in psychological states

1- b


To determine which statement about the field of child development is correct, we will evaluate each statement and discuss how to find the answer.

Statement A: "It’s devoted to understanding human constancy and change over the lifespan."
This statement is not entirely correct. While child development does focus on understanding changes in individuals as they grow, it specifically focuses on the period of children's development, not the entire lifespan. To verify this, one can consult reputable sources such as textbooks, academic journals, or official websites related to child development.

Statement B: "It’s part of a larger, interdisciplinary field known as developmental science."
This statement is generally correct. Child development is indeed a part of a larger field called developmental science, which encompasses the study of human development across the lifespan. To confirm this, one can refer to reliable sources like textbooks, scholarly articles, or professional organizations dedicated to child development or developmental science.

Statement C: "It focuses primarily on children’s cognitive and social development."
This statement is not entirely accurate. While child development does study cognitive and social development in children, it also includes other aspects such as physical, emotional, and behavioral development. One can consult authoritative sources like textbooks, peer-reviewed articles, or trusted child development organizations to confirm this information.

Statement D: "It studies infants’ perceptions of the world."
This statement is partially correct. Child development does involve studying infants' perceptions of the world, but it expands beyond that to various aspects of development in children of all ages. To verify this, one could refer to reliable sources such as academic journals, textbooks, or scholarly websites on child development.

In conclusion, after evaluating the statements:
- Statement A is incorrect because child development specifically focuses on children's development, not the entire lifespan.
- Statement B is correct as child development is part of the larger field of developmental science.
- Statement C is incomplete because child development includes more than just cognitive and social development.
- Statement D is partially correct, as child development studies infants' perceptions, but also covers other areas of child development.

Therefore, option B is the correct statement about the field of child development.