What is the scientific notation for 135,000,000?

1.35 * 10^8

write in scientific notation 135,000,000=?

To express 135,000,000 in scientific notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the coefficient
The coefficient is obtained by moving the decimal point so that it is placed after the first nonzero digit. In this case, we can place the decimal point after the first digit, which is 1. So, the coefficient becomes 1.35.

Step 2: Calculate the exponent
The exponent represents the number of places the decimal point was moved. To find the exponent, count the number of places the decimal point was moved to its new position. In this case, we moved the decimal point 8 places to the left. Therefore, the exponent is -8.

Step 3: Combine the coefficient and the exponent
Combine the coefficient and the exponent with the multiplication sign (×) to express the number in scientific notation. In this case, the scientific notation for 135,000,000 is 1.35 × 10^8.

So, the scientific notation for 135,000,000 is 1.35 × 10^8.