so i have to make a picture based on this Lesson where learning about New France an from the textbook there's this sentence i`m supposed to draw about but i have no clue how i can draw it its -->

"reported to the king on colonial activities and ensured harmony among his parishes".

Who reported to the king and ensured harmony?


Draw a bishop on one knee in front of the king.

Or draw the bishop with smiling people including First Nations people.

thankyou lots :)

You're welcome.

To create a picture based on the sentence "reported to the king on colonial activities and ensured harmony among his parishes," you can break it down into different elements that you can illustrate. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Start with the main subject, which is someone reporting to the king. You can draw a person, possibly dressed in a colonial-style outfit, holding a document or scroll, and standing in front of a king or a throne. Add details to make it clear that the person is reporting an activity.

2. To represent "colonial activities," you can draw symbols or images representing different aspects of life in New France. This could include things like fur traders, Indigenous peoples, French settlers, ships, farms, or even a map showing the extent of New France's territory.

3. To represent "harmony among his parishes," you can draw various scenes of people from different parishes coming together in a peaceful and cooperative manner. This could include people from different cultural backgrounds working together, engaging in trade, or participating in social gatherings.

4. Consider adding additional elements to enhance the story. For example, you could show the person reporting to the king surrounded by other advisors or officials. You could also add elements that suggest the passage of time, such as a clock or a calendar, to indicate the ongoing nature of reporting and maintaining harmony.

Remember, the final design is up to your creativity and style, and you can also incorporate elements from the textbook or any additional research you have done about New France.