Larry leaves home at 2:08 and runs at a constant speed to the lamppost. He reaches the lamppost at 2:12, immediately turns, and runs to the tree. Larry arrives at the tree at 2:28. What is Larry's average velocity during his trip from home to the lamppost, if the lamppost is 321.0m west of home, and the tree is 698.0m east of home?

b). What is Larry's average velocity during his trip from the lamppost to the tree?

c). What is the average velocity for Larry's entire run?

a. V=d/t = 321/(2:12-2:08)=321/4min =

80.25 m/min = 80.25m/60s = 1.34 m/s.

b. V = d/t = (698+321)/(2:28-2:12) =
1019/16 = 63.7m/min = 63.7/60s=1.06 m/s

c. V = (698+321)/(2:28-2:08) = 1019/20 =
50.95m/min = 50.95m/60s = 0.849 m/s.


To find Larry's average velocity, we need to divide the total displacement by the total time taken. Displacement is the change in position, which is equal to the final position minus the initial position.

a). Average velocity from home to the lamppost:
Displacement = final position - initial position
= 321.0m west (negative because it's in the opposite direction)

The time taken to reach the lamppost is from 2:08 to 2:12, which is 4 minutes.
Converting minutes to hours: 4 minutes / 60 = 0.067 hours.

Average velocity from home to lamppost = Displacement / Time taken
= -321.0m / 0.067 hours

b). Average velocity from the lamppost to the tree:
Displacement = final position - initial position
= 698.0m east

The time taken to reach the tree is from 2:12 to 2:28, which is 16 minutes.
Converting minutes to hours: 16 minutes / 60 = 0.267 hours.

Average velocity from lamppost to tree = Displacement / Time taken
= 698.0m / 0.267 hours

c). Average velocity for Larry's entire run:
To calculate the average velocity for the entire run, we need to sum up the displacements and the time intervals for each segment.

Total displacement = displacement from home to lamppost + displacement from lamppost to tree
= -321.0m + 698.0m

Total time = time taken from home to lamppost + time taken from lamppost to tree
= 4 minutes + 16 minutes

In order to find the average velocity for the entire run, we first need to convert the time to hours:

Total time = (4 minutes + 16 minutes) / 60 = 0.333 hours

Average velocity for the entire run = Total displacement / Total time
= (698.0m - 321.0m) / 0.333 hours