1. What mass of the compound FeWO4 contains 50.0 grams of tungsten (atomic symbol W, atomic number= 74)?

**Formula mass of FeWO4 is 303.69**

a) 30.0 g FeWO4
b) 304 g FeWO4
c) 82.6 g FeWO4
d) 188 g FeWO4

74/303.69 * whatmass=50

what mass=303*50/74

I don't see a correct answer listed.

If you had a mole of FeWO3, or 304 grams, you would get 74 grams W. But you want 50 grams, or 2/3 of 74, so you need about 2/3 of a mole or about 200 grams.

check my thinking.

To determine the mass of FeWO4 that contains 50.0 grams of tungsten (W), we need to use the molar mass and stoichiometry of the compound.

The molar mass of tungsten (W) is 183.84 g/mol.

The atomic mass of tungsten (W) is given as 74, but this is the atomic number, not the atomic mass.

To solve for the mass of FeWO4 containing 50.0 grams of W, we need to set up a proportion using the molar ratio between W and FeWO4:

Molar mass of W / Molar mass of FeWO4 = Mass of W / Mass of FeWO4

Molar mass of W = 183.84 g/mol
Molar mass of FeWO4 = 303.69 g/mol
Mass of W = 50.0 g (given)
Mass of FeWO4 = x (what we need to find)

183.84 g/mol / 303.69 g/mol = 50.0 g / x

Cross multiplying and solving for x, we get:

x = (50.0 g * 303.69 g/mol) / 183.84 g/mol

x = 82.6 g

Therefore, the mass of the compound FeWO4 that contains 50.0 grams of tungsten is 82.6 grams.

The correct answer is c) 82.6 g FeWO4.

To determine the mass of FeWO4 that contains 50.0 grams of tungsten, we need to use the ratio of the atomic masses of tungsten (W) and FeWO4.

First, we need to find the ratio of the atomic mass of tungsten to the formula mass of FeWO4:
Atomic mass of tungsten (W) = 74 g/mol
Formula mass of FeWO4 = 303.69 g/mol

Next, we can set up a proportion using the given mass of tungsten and the ratio of the atomic masses:
50.0 g W / (74 g/mol) = x g FeWO4 / (303.69 g/mol)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and divide:
(50.0 g W) * (303.69 g/mol) = (74 g/mol) * x g FeWO4
x g FeWO4 = (50.0 g W) * (303.69 g/mol) / (74 g/mol)

Calculating the expression above, we find:
x g FeWO4 ≈ 204.9324 g FeWO4

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the mass of FeWO4 that contains 50.0 grams of tungsten is approximately 205 grams.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d) 188 g FeWO4.