The winner in a recent Los Angeles Marathon ran the 26-mile race in

2.23 hours. How many yards per minute did he run?

convert the 26 miles to yards (HINT: how many yards in a mile?)

convert the time to minutes (hint1: how many minutes in 2 hours, many minutes is .23*60?


I don't know next time just tell me the answer

To find out how many yards per minute the winner ran in the Los Angeles Marathon, we need to follow these steps:

1. Convert the 26-mile race distance to yards. Since 1 mile is equal to 1,760 yards, we can multiply 26 by 1,760 to get the total yards covered in the marathon:
26 miles * 1,760 yards/mile = 45,760 yards

2. Convert the total time taken to run the 26-mile race from hours to minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in one hour, we can multiply the given time (2.23 hours) by 60 to convert it to minutes:
2.23 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 133.8 minutes

3. Divide the total yards covered by the total minutes taken to get the yards per minute:
45,760 yards / 133.8 minutes = 342.21 yards per minute

Therefore, the winner ran approximately 342.21 yards per minute in the Los Angeles Marathon.