container A has twice the capacity of container B. Container A is full of sand and container B is empty. Suppose 1/8 of the sand in container A is poured into Container B. What fractional part of container B will contain sand?


actully, 1/8 of A's capacity has gone into B

But, B has half the capacity of A, so 2/8 = 1/4 of B will be filled with sand.


To determine the fractional part of container B that will contain sand, we need to compare the amount of sand poured from container A to the total capacity of container B.

Let's assume that container A has a capacity of 'x' and container B has a capacity of 'y'. It is given that container A has twice the capacity of container B.

So we have: x = 2y

Next, it is stated that 1/8 of the sand in container A is poured into container B. This means that 1/8 of the capacity of container A is poured into container B.

The amount of sand poured into container B is calculated as follows: (1/8) * x

Since x = 2y, we can substitute x to get: (1/8) * (2y)

Simplifying this expression: (1/4) * y

Hence, after pouring the sand, container B will contain 1/4 of its capacity filled with sand.