Because Lucy is large for her age, she may not have many friends. This is an example of the interaction between which two types of development?

A. Physical and psychosocial

B. Physical and cognitive

C. Cognitive and psychosocial

D. Psychosocial and intellectua

My choice is A, because she is too big for her age, yet not as mature as bigger kids. Am I right?



Yes, you are correct. The example given relates to the interaction between physical and psychosocial development. Physical development refers to the changes in the body's size, structure, and abilities. In this case, Lucy being large for her age is a physical characteristic. Psychosocial development, on the other hand, involves the social and emotional aspects of development. Lucy's struggle to make friends due to her size suggests a psychosocial challenge that she may be facing. Therefore, the given example demonstrates the interaction between physical and psychosocial development.