How many years can you expect to spend in retirement?

A. 6 to 10 years

B. 10 to 12 years

C. 12 to 16 years

D. from 16 to 25 years

Is the answer C?

I don't know how this number is figured -- but you may be right.

To determine the number of years you can expect to spend in retirement, you need to consider several factors such as life expectancy, current age, and desired retirement age.

The answer to this question can vary depending on various individual circumstances. However, on average, retirement can last for approximately 20-30 years.

In the given options, none of them explicitly match this average duration. However, option D "from 16 to 25 years" seems to be the closest approximation. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate, and the actual duration of retirement can vary based on factors such as health, lifestyle choices, and financial planning.