This Chem problem is really difficult -Need help please!

Magnesium Consists of three naturally occuring isotopes. The percent abundance of these isotopes is as follows: 24Mg(78.70%), 25Mg(10.13%) and 26Mg(11.7%). The average atomic mass of the three isotopes is 24.3050amu. If the atomic mass of 25Mg is 24.98584 amu and 26Mg is 25.98259amu, calculate the actual atomic mass of 24Mg.

To solve this problem, we need to use the concept of weighted average.

Step 1: Convert the percent abundances to decimal form:
- 24Mg: 78.70% = 0.7870
- 25Mg: 10.13% = 0.1013
- 26Mg: 11.7% = 0.117

Step 2: Set up the equation to calculate the average atomic mass:
(0.7870 * x) + (0.1013 * 24.98584) + (0.117 * 25.98259) = 24.3050

In the equation above, 'x' represents the atomic mass of 24Mg, since we are trying to find it.

Step 3: Solve the equation for 'x':
(0.7870 * x) + (0.1013 * 24.98584) + (0.117 * 25.98259) = 24.3050

Step 4: Simplify and solve for 'x':
0.7870x + 2.53188 + 3.0444913 = 24.3050
0.7870x + 5.5763713 = 24.3050
0.7870x = 18.7286287
x ≈ 23.7968 amu

Therefore, the actual atomic mass of 24Mg is approximately 23.7968 amu.

0.7870*y + (0.1013*(24.98584) + (0.117*(25.98259) = 24.3050

Solve for y


23.805 amu