1. What is a ratio?

a. What is the difference between a ratio and a fraction?
b. What are the similarities between ratios and fractions?
c. Remember that order is important!
d. How do you simplify ratios?


a. A ratio is a comparison between two quantities. It shows the relationship or the proportion between these two quantities. Ratios are usually expressed in the form of a/b or a:b, where a and b are the quantities being compared.

b. The main similarity between ratios and fractions is that they both compare two quantities. In fact, every ratio can be written as a fraction and vice versa. Both ratios and fractions represent a part-to-whole relationship.

c. You are correct! In a ratio, the order of the quantities being compared is important. For example, the ratio 3:2 is not the same as 2:3. The first ratio implies that the first quantity is larger than the second, while the second ratio implies the opposite.

d. To simplify ratios, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numbers in the ratio and divide both numbers by it. This will give you an equivalent ratio with smaller numbers. For example, if you have a ratio of 8:12, you can simplify it by dividing both numbers by the GCD, which is 4. So, the simplified ratio would be 2:3.