For Social Studies we have to do this project where we have to create a radio show for our topic, and my topic is baseball in the 1920's. Do you have any good websites I can try(not wikipedia, our

teachers don't like us using that)

Absolutely! When it comes to researching topics like baseball in the 1920s, there are numerous resources available online. Here are a few websites you can try:

1. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum: The official website of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum provides a wealth of information about baseball history, including the 1920s. You can explore their collections, exhibits, and archives to find valuable information and stories about the sport during that era. Here is the link:

2. Library of Congress - Baseball Cards Collection: The Library of Congress offers a vast collection of baseball cards from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. Although it's slightly before the 1920s, these cards still provide valuable insights into the early days of baseball. You can examine the cards' images, descriptions, and related resources. Here is the link:

3. is a reputable source for historical topics. They have a section dedicated to baseball history, and their articles cover various aspects of the sport in different eras. While exploring the website, you can specifically search for content related to baseball in the 1920s. Here is the link to the baseball history section:

4. Society for American Baseball Research (SABR): SABR is an organization dedicated to the research and preservation of baseball history. Their website offers a vast amount of information, including articles, biographies, research papers, and statistical data. You can use their search function to find resources specifically related to baseball in the 1920s. Here is the link:

Remember, when conducting research, it's important to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy. Happy researching and good luck with your radio show project!