what events of 1919 caused the red scare,and how did the government respond?

how did a decade of republican government affect the economy

what events brought disgrace upon harding presidency ...how did coolidge restore respect to the office

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To understand the events of 1919 that caused the Red Scare and the response of the government, you can follow these steps:

1. Research and understand the context of the Red Scare: The Red Scare was a period of intense anti-communist sentiment and fear of radical political ideologies in the United States. It was largely fueled by events such as the Russian Revolution and the rise of communism.

2. Identify the specific events in 1919: In 1919, a series of events contributed to the heightened fear of communism in the United States. Some key events include the Russian Revolution in 1917, the formation of the Communist Party of the United States in 1919, labor strikes (such as the Seattle General Strike), bombings (like the Wall Street bombing), and anarchist activities (such as the Palmer Raids).

3. Explore the government's response: The United States government responded to the Red Scare by taking a series of measures to combat perceived threats. The most notable response was the establishment of the Palmer Raids, led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer. These raids involved arresting and deporting suspected radicals and anarchists, which violated civil liberties and resulted in widespread fear and persecution.

Moving on to the impact of a decade of Republican government on the economy:

1. Understand the political landscape: The Republican Party held the presidency for much of the 1920s, including the presidencies of Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.

2. Study the economic policies: During this period, Republican presidents pursued policies that favored limited government intervention in the economy, reduced taxes, and promoted business growth. These policies were known as "trickle-down economics" or "supply-side economics."

3. Analyze the effects on the economy: Different economists have different interpretations of the impact of Republican economic policies. Proponents argue that the policies fostered economic growth, stimulated investment, and increased productivity. Critics assert that these policies led to income inequality, uneven distribution of wealth, and contributed to the stock market crash and the subsequent Great Depression.

Regarding the events that brought disgrace upon the Harding presidency and how Coolidge restored respect to the office:

1. Investigate the Harding presidency: Warren G. Harding was president from 1921 until his death in 1923. His administration was marred by several scandals, the most infamous being the Teapot Dome scandal, in which government officials accepted bribes for granting oil drilling rights on public lands.

2. Research Calvin Coolidge's response: Calvin Coolidge, who served as vice president under Harding, assumed the presidency after Harding's death. Coolidge emphasized honesty, integrity, and a return to normalcy. He took decisive actions to address the scandals that tarnished the Harding administration, dismissed corrupt officials, and pushed for transparency and ethical governance.

By following these steps, you can gain a better understanding of the events that caused the Red Scare, the economic impact of a decade of Republican government, and how different presidents dealt with the challenges and consequences of their respective times in office.