The total amount of money (in cents) in y quarters, 7y dimes, and (2y - 1) nickles.

25y + 10(7y) + 5(2y-1) = 25y+70y+10y-5 = 105y-5


To find the total amount of money, we need to determine the value of each coin and then add them up.

1. Quarters: Each quarter is worth 25 cents. So, y quarters would be worth 25y cents.

2. Dimes: Each dime is worth 10 cents. So, 7y dimes would be worth 70y cents.

3. Nickels: Each nickel is worth 5 cents. So, (2y - 1) nickels would be worth 5(2y - 1) cents.

To find the total amount, we add up the values of each type of coin:

Total amount = 25y + 70y + 5(2y - 1)

Simplifying, we have:

Total amount = 25y + 70y + 10y - 5

Combining like terms, we get:

Total amount = 105y + 10y - 5

Finally, rearranging the terms, we have the total amount in cents as:

Total amount = 115y - 5 cents.

To find the total amount of money in cents, we need to determine the value of each coin and then calculate the sum.

The value of one quarter is 25 cents, so y quarters would be worth 25 * y cents.

The value of one dime is 10 cents, so 7y dimes would be worth 10 * 7y = 70y cents.

The value of one nickel is 5 cents, so (2y - 1) nickels would be worth 5 * (2y - 1) cents.

To find the total amount, we add up the values of the three types of coins:

Total amount = 25y + 70y + 5(2y - 1) cents.

Now let's simplify the expression:

Total amount = 25y + 70y + 10y - 5 cents.

Combining like terms, we get:

Total amount = (25y + 70y + 10y) - 5 cents.

Total amount = 105y - 5 cents.

Therefore, the total amount of money in cents is represented by the expression 105y - 5 cents.