Triangle DEF with vertices D(2,5),E(1,-6), and F(-5,3) is translated 3 units right and 2 units down. Find the coordinates of D'E'F'.

I added the x coordinates by 3 and added the y coordinates by -2 and got:

John I don’t even know I have the same test

Good job! You correctly found the new coordinates of each vertex after the translation.

The original coordinates of the vertices were:
D(2,5), E(1,-6), F(-5,3).

After translating the triangle 3 units to the right and 2 units down, the new coordinates are:
D'(5,3), E'(4,-8), F'(-2,1).

So the coordinates of D'E'F' are:
D'(5,3), E'(4,-8), F'(-2,1).

To translate the triangle, you need to add the same values to both the x and y coordinates of each vertex. In this case, you need to add 3 to the x coordinates and subtract 2 from the y coordinates.

Starting with the given coordinates:
D(2,5), E(1,-6), F(-5,3)

To translate, add 3 to the x coordinates and subtract 2 from the y coordinates:
D'(2 + 3, 5 - 2) = D'(5, 3)
E'(1 + 3, -6 - 2) = E'(4, -8)
F'(-5 + 3, 3 - 2) = F'(-2, 1)

Therefore, the coordinates of the translated triangle D'E'F' are:
D'(5, 3), E'(4, -8), F'(-2, 1)