Prove the identity

sin (3 pi/2 + x) + sin (3 pi/2 -x) = -2 cos x

Use the identities

sin (a + b) = sin a cos b + sin b cos a
sin (a - b) = sin a cos b - sin b cos a
and the facts that sin 3 pi/2 = -1 and cos 3 pi/2 = 0

To prove the given identity, we need to simplify both sides of the equation and see if they are equal.

Let's start by simplifying the left-hand side (LHS) of the equation:

sin (3π/2 + x) + sin (3π/2 - x)

Using the sum formula for sine, we can rewrite sin (3π/2 + x) as:

sin (3π/2) cos (x) + cos (3π/2) sin (x)

The value of sin (3π/2) is -1, and cos (3π/2) is 0, so the expression becomes:

-1 * cos (x) + 0 * sin (x)

Which simplifies to just -cos (x).

Now let's simplify the right-hand side (RHS) of the equation:

-2 * cos(x)

Since the LHS simplifies to -cos(x) and the RHS is already -2cos(x), we can see that both sides are equal.

Thus, we have proved the identity sin (3π/2 + x) + sin (3π/2 - x) = -2cos(x).