An initial-value problem is given by the differential equation,

f(x,y) = x + y, y(0) = 1.64

The Euler-midpoint method is used to find an approximate value to y(0.1) with a step size of h = 0.1.

Then use the integrating factor method, to find the exact value of y(0.1).

Hence, determine the global error, giving your answer to 5 decimal places.

Note that Global Error = Approximate Value - Exact Value.

after calculating the y' and y'' values.

the values come up be 2.7731947639

which when rounded to 5 decimal places gives the answer as: 2.773195

after re-calculating the euler-midpoint method. the value I got was 1.8172 while using normal euler method is 1.968.

however, I can't seem to find the exact solution to minus off the 1.8172 value to get the global error.

To find an approximate value for y(0.1) using the Euler-midpoint method with a step size of h = 0.1, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the iteration formula
The Euler-midpoint method uses the iteration formula:

yn+1 = yn + h * f(xn + (h/2), yn + (h/2) * f(xn, yn))

where yn represents the approximate value of y at xn.

Step 2: Calculate the approximate values
Plug in the initial condition y(0) = 1.64 and the differential equation f(x, y) = x + y into the iteration formula. Start with n = 0, x0 = 0, and y0 = 1.64:

x1 = 0 + (0.1/2) = 0.05
y1 = 1.64 + 0.1 * (0.05 + 1.64) = 1.803

x2 = 0.1 + (0.1/2) = 0.15
y2 = 1.803 + 0.1 * (0.15 + 1.803) = 2.023

Continue this process until you reach x = 0.1:

x3 = 0.15 + (0.1/2) = 0.2
y3 = 2.023 + 0.1 * (0.2 + 2.023) = 2.2693

Based on this calculation, the approximate value of y(0.1) using the Euler-midpoint method is 2.2693.

To find the exact value of y(0.1) using the integrating factor method, follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the differential equation in the form y' + p(x)y = q(x)
The given differential equation f(x, y) = x + y can be rewritten as:

y' - y = x

Here, p(x) = -1 and q(x) = x.

Step 2: Find the integrating factor (IF)
The integrating factor (IF) is given by:

IF = e^(∫p(x)dx)

In this case, p(x) = -1, so ∫p(x)dx = ∫(-1)dx = -x.

Therefore, the integrating factor is:

IF = e^(-x)

Step 3: Multiply the differential equation by the integrating factor and integrate
Multiply both sides of the differential equation by the integrating factor (IF):

e^(-x)y' - e^(-x)y = xe^(-x)

Integrate both sides:

∫(e^(-x)y')dx - ∫(e^(-x)y)dx = ∫(xe^(-x))dx

Applying integration by parts on the left side:

-e^(-x)y - ∫(-e^(-x)y')dx = ∫(xe^(-x))dx


-e^(-x)y + ∫(e^(-x)y')dx = ∫(xe^(-x))dx

Using the fact that ∫(e^(-x)y')dx = ∫(d(e^(-x)y)) = e^(-x)y + C:

2e^(-x)y = ∫(xe^(-x))dx + C

Solving for y:

y = (1/2)e^x * ∫(xe^(-x))dx + Ce^x

Step 4: Evaluate the constants
To evaluate the constant C, plug in the initial condition y(0) = 1.64:

1.64 = (1/2)e^0 * ∫(0 * e^(-0))dx + Ce^0
1.64 = (1/2) * 0 + C

Therefore, C = 1.64.

Step 5: Calculate the exact value of y(0.1)
Using the formula for y obtained in Step 3, evaluate it at x = 0.1:

y(0.1) = (1/2)e^0.1 * ∫(0.1e^(-0.1))dx + 1.64e^0.1

Simplifying and evaluating the integral:

y(0.1) = (1/2)e^0.1 * (-e^(-0.1)) + 1.64e^0.1

At this point, you can use a calculator or software to evaluate this expression to get the exact value of y(0.1).

Finally, the global error is given by:

Global Error = Approximate Value - Exact Value

Substitute the values we obtained earlier:

Global Error = 2.2693 - y(0.1)

Calculate y(0.1) using the integrating factor method and subtract it from the approximate value to find the global error, and round the answer to 5 decimal places.