*The number has 8 digits, none of the digits are the same.

*It is evenly divisible by 10.
*The value of one of the digits is 80,000
*The digit in the millions place is the largest 1-digit odd number.
*The digit in the thousands place is 3 less than the digit in the millions place.
*The digit in the hundreds place is half the digit in the thousands place.
*The digit in the tens place is 2 more than the digit in the ones place.
*The digit in the hundred thousands place is the largest single-digit factor of 25.
*The digit in the ten millions place is an even number.

WHAT IS THE DIGIT? _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _?

number: xxxxxxxx

divisible by 10: xxxxxxx0
one digit is 80,000: xxx8xxx0
millions is largest: x9x8xxx0
1000s - millions-3: x9x86xx0
100s = half of 1000s: x9x863x0
tens = ones+2: x9x86320
factor of 25: x9586320
1st digit even: 49586320

I disagree because the Algebraic Notation Method has more complicated steps than the Expanded Notation Method

To find the digit that satisfies all the given conditions, let's break down the problem and solve it step by step.

1. The number has 8 digits, none of which are the same.
Therefore, we need to find a unique digit for each place value in the number.

2. It is evenly divisible by 10.
This means the digit in the ones place must be 0, as any number ending in 0 is divisible by 10.

3. The value of one of the digits is 80,000.
Since the digit in the millions place is the largest 1-digit odd number, which is 9, the number must be 90,000,000.

4. The digit in the thousands place is 3 less than the digit in the millions place.
The digit in the thousands place is 9 - 3 = 6.

5. The digit in the hundreds place is half the digit in the thousands place.
The digit in the hundreds place is 6 / 2 = 3.

6. The digit in the tens place is 2 more than the digit in the ones place.
Since the digit in the ones place is 0, the digit in the tens place is 0 + 2 = 2.

7. The digit in the hundred thousands place is the largest single-digit factor of 25.
The largest single-digit factor of 25 is 5, so the digit in the hundred thousands place is 5.

8. The digit in the ten millions place is an even number.
The only even single-digit number is 8, so the digit in the ten millions place is 8.

Putting all the digits together, the number is 80,000,000.

Therefore, the digit is 8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.