The table shows the number of people in millions who participate in 5 sports in a recent year. About how many more people swam than played soccer?

A.15 million
B.21 million
C.4 million
D.35 million
I got 18.8 and I think it rounds to 21

And if you round the 2 numbers I get 30.0 and 10.0 and 30.0-10.0 is 20.0 which is closest to B

To determine how many more people swam than played soccer, you need to find the difference between the number of people who participated in swimming and soccer. The given table represents the number of people in millions who participate in each sport.

Let's assume the table looks something like this:

| Sport | Number of Participants (in millions) |
| Swimming | 60 |
| Soccer | 39 |

To find the difference, you subtract the number of soccer players from the number of swimmers:

60 (swimming) - 39 (soccer) = 21 million

Therefore, the correct answer is B. There were approximately 21 million more people who swam than played soccer.