I'm stuck on this problem. Can you help?

-x + 2y =-4 WHat is x and y?

Two equations in two unknowns. Here is a quick way to solve them
-4x - 9y = 1
4x - 8y = 16
(I got that my multiplying both side so the secind equation that you provided by -4)
Now add the two equations:
-17y = 17
y = -1
Use that and any of the first equations to solve for x.

X and Y Represents Algebra and numeral Means only numbers.

Sure! Let's solve the system of equations step by step.

Given equations:
-4x - 9y = 1 ---(1)
-1x + 2y = -4 ---(2)

To solve these equations, we can use the method of elimination or substitution. In this case, let's use elimination.

1. Multiply equation (2) by 4 to make the coefficients of x in both equations equal:
-4x - 9y = 1 ---(1)
-4x + 8y = -16 ---(3)

2. Now, subtract equation (3) from equation (1) to eliminate x:
(-4x - 9y) - (-4x + 8y) = 1 - (-16)
-4x - 9y + 4x - 8y = 1 + 16
-17y = 17

3. Divide both sides of the equation by -17 to solve for y:
-17y / -17 = 17 / -17
y = -1

Now that we have the value of y, we can substitute it back into one of the given equations to solve for x.

Let's substitute the value of y = -1 into equation (2):
-1x + 2(-1) = -4
-1x - 2 = -4
-1x = -4 + 2
-1x = -2
x = -2

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -2 and y = -1.