The value of the 4th digit number you made would change by how much if the digit is in the tens place were replaced by 9 . My number is 7653

To calculate how much the value of the 4th digit number changes when the digit in the tens place is replaced by 9, we'll need to compare the original number with the modified number.

The original number is 7653. Let's break it down digit by digit:

- The 1st digit (thousands place) is 7.
- The 2nd digit (hundreds place) is 6.
- The 3rd digit (tens place) is 5.
- The 4th digit (ones place) is 3.

Now, we will create a modified number by replacing the digit in the tens place with 9:

- The modified number is 7693.

To calculate the difference, we subtract the original number from the modified number:

7693 - 7653 = 40

Therefore, the value of the 4th digit number changes by 40 when the digit in the tens place is replaced by 9.