
1 1
--- + ---
3 x

Where is the = sign?
And what is it = to?
and what is that + sign doing there?

Please rewrite it a little plainer.

The equation you provided is:

1 1
--- + ---
3 x

In this equation, there is no equal (=) sign present. An equal sign is used to denote that the expression on the left side is equal to the expression on the right side. Without the equal sign, we cannot determine what the equation's value is or solve for any specific variable.

The plus (+) sign indicates addition. In the given equation, it is used to add the fractions with different denominators. When adding fractions, you need to find a common denominator, which is a common multiple of all the denominators involved. After finding the common denominator, you can add the fractions numerators and retain the common denominator.

To rewrite the equation in a plainer form, let's separate the fractions and simplify them.

First fraction:

Second fraction:
1 1
--- + ---
3 x

Please let me know if you require further assistance or clarification.