Copper (II) fluoride contains 37.42% {\rm F} by mass. Use this percentage to calculate the mass of fluorine (in {\rm g}) contained in 56.0{\rm g} of copper (II) fluoride

What's 37.42% of 56.0 g?

To calculate the mass of fluorine contained in 56.0 g of copper (II) fluoride, we can use the percentage of fluorine by mass.

Step 1: Convert the given percentage to a decimal fraction by dividing it by 100.
37.42% = 37.42/100 = 0.3742

Step 2: Calculate the mass of fluorine by multiplying the mass of copper (II) fluoride by the decimal fraction found in Step 1.
Mass of fluorine = 56.0 g × 0.3742 = 20.9504 g

Therefore, there are approximately 20.9504 grams of fluorine contained in 56.0 grams of copper (II) fluoride.