3 pens and 2pencils sold for $.47. What Is the price for set of pen and pencil?

To find the price of a set of pen and pencil, we can break down the given information into equations and solve them step by step.

Let's assume the price of one pen is 'p' dollars and the price of one pencil is 'c' dollars.

3 pens and 2 pencils sold for $0.47.

We can write the equation as:
3p + 2c = 0.47

Now, we need to solve for the price of the set of pen and pencil, which is the sum of one pen and one pencil.

So, the price for the set of pen and pencil:
p + c

To find the value of 'p' and 'c', we need another equation.

Though we don't have a direct equation to solve for 'p' and 'c', we can make an assumption.

Let's assume the price of a pen is 'x' dollars and the price of a pencil is 'y' dollars.

So, p = x and c = y.

Now, we can substitute these values back into the equation:
3x + 2y = 0.47

At this point, we have two equations:
3x + 2y = 0.47 (equation 1)
p + c = x + y (equation 2)

To solve these equations, we need to use simultaneous equation solving methods, such as substitution or elimination.

The solution to these equations will give us the price of a set of pen and pencil, considering the given conditions.