An object has a mass of 10 grams and a volume of 5cm3 calculate the objects density



To calculate the density of an object, you need to divide its mass by its volume. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Take note of the given values:
- Mass: 10 grams
- Volume: 5 cm³

Step 2: Use the formula for density:
Density = Mass / Volume

Step 3: Substitute the given values into the formula:
Density = 10 grams / 5 cm³

Step 4: Perform the calculation:
Density = 2 grams/cm³

So, the density of the object is 2 grams/cm³.

An object has a mass of grams and volume of 5 cm3. what is the density of the object

d = m/v

Insert values and calculate.