How was Roman society different after the struggle ended? during the 5th century

To determine how Roman society changed after the struggle in the 5th century, we first need to understand what struggle you are referring to. The 5th century was marked by various significant events and transformations in the Roman Empire. However, if you are referring to the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire and the subsequent establishment of the Byzantine Empire, here are some key changes that occurred during this time:

1. Political Structure: The Western Roman Empire eventually collapsed in 476 CE, leading to the end of a unified Roman state in the West. This resulted in a power vacuum, with numerous Germanic tribes and local kingdoms emerging on the former Roman territories. In contrast, the Eastern Roman Empire, which later became known as the Byzantine Empire, continued to prosper and maintain a centralized political structure.

2. Legal System: The Roman legal system underwent significant changes after the fall of the Western Empire. In the West, the old Roman legal framework gave way to Germanic tribal laws and customs. In the East, the Byzantine Empire retained and developed the Roman legal system, known as Justinian's Code, which had a profound influence on European legal systems in the future.

3. Religion: Another major change during this period was the transformation of religious beliefs. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine in the 4th century. However, after the fall of the Western Empire, the Germanic tribes, who had their own pagan beliefs, adopted and merged their customs with Christianity, giving rise to a new form of religious practice known as Germanic Christianity. In the East, the Byzantine Empire embraced Orthodox Christianity as its official religion.

4. Cultural Influences: The decline of the Western Roman Empire led to a decline in urban life, infrastructure, and the economy in the West. The Byzantine Empire, on the other hand, experienced a cultural flourishing with remarkable achievements in art, architecture, and literature. The Byzantine Empire preserved and propagated much of the ancient Roman culture, contributing to the Byzantine Renaissance.

5. Social Structure: With the collapse of the Western Empire, the strict social hierarchy of Roman society became less defined in the West. However, in the Byzantine Empire, social stratification was still significant, with a clear distinction between nobles, aristocrats, and commoners.

It's important to note that these changes were complex and contextual, influenced by a multitude of factors. Studying primary sources, secondary historical literature, and consulting specific history books on the topic can provide a comprehensive understanding of the transformations in Roman society during the 5th century.