who decided education would be in english in 1835?

In 1835, the decision to introduce English as the medium of education in certain regions of India was made by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay. Macaulay was a British politician and member of the Governor-General's Council in India. He played a significant role in shaping British colonial policy in India during that time.

To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct a search on a reliable search engine such as Google.
2. Enter a query such as "Who introduced English education in India in 1835?"
3. Look for credible sources such as articles from reputable historical websites, books, or academic papers.
4. Consider the sources' reliability, accuracy, and reputation.
5. Read multiple sources to cross-reference information and gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Remember that historical events can be complex and have multiple influential factors, so it's always valuable to consult various sources and perspectives to get a well-rounded understanding.