OF MAN’S first disobedience, and the fruit

Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat, 5
Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That Shepherd who first taught the chosen seed
In the beginning how the heavens and earth
Rose out of Chaos:

I'm a little bit confused. We are learning scansion, marking out lines with stress and unstress marks. This, I can do. So I know that Milton's Paradise Lost is in blank verse.

But how can you understand why a poet chooses a particular meter to write on a certain subject? And how does knowing that Milton wrote in blank verse help us understand the subject matter better?


In the first paragraph after Verse paragraph, you should find some ideas to help you understand this. Other articles in here may help, too:


Why do we hum particular songs when we are in particular moods?

thankyou, writeacher! that really helped!

If you are happy you would tend to hum a happy, chirpy song to match your mood. It could also be quite fast and have funny lyrics to make you laugh.

But if you were upset/depressed you would probably hum a sad, maybe slow song because you don't feel like being happy.

Hope this has helped.
RoseSparkle :)

oh i have one last doubt!!! The words Oreb and Sinai are biblical places. I don't know how to pronounce them... which syllables are stressed? is it OReb and SInai or oREB and siNAI???

Understanding why a poet chooses a particular meter to write on a certain subject requires considering the relationship between the form and content of the poem. In the case of Milton's Paradise Lost, the choice of blank verse serves a specific purpose.

Blank verse is a form of poetry that consists of unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. Each line contains five pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables. This regular and rhythmic structure allows for a natural and flowing verse. This meter is often associated with serious and epic subjects due to its grandeur and flexibility.

Milton chose to write Paradise Lost in blank verse because it suited the subject matter of his epic poem. Blank verse allows Milton to capture the epic nature of the Fall of Man and to explore complex theological ideas. The form lends itself to a sense of majesty and seriousness, providing a suitable vehicle for the grand story of Adam and Eve's disobedience and its consequences.

By being aware that Paradise Lost is written in blank verse, readers can better appreciate the depth and complexity of Milton's subject matter. The meter lends itself to the exploration of profound themes and allows for the expression of Milton's elevated language and epic narrative style. It contributes to the overall impact of the poem and enhances the understanding of its subject matter by creating a sense of gravity and importance.