Bianca is 4 years younger the 3 times Marcos age m.write the expression to represent Bianca's age.tell what the variables represent .

3m - 4

B = 3 m - 4

To write the expression representing Bianca's age, we need to break down the given information into mathematical terms:

Let's say Bianca's age is represented by the variable "B," and Marcos' age is represented by the variable "M."

According to the given information, Bianca is 4 years younger than three times Marcos' age.

Three times Marcos' age can be written as 3M.

Bianca's age is 4 years less than three times Marcos' age, which means we subtract 4 from 3M.

Therefore, the expression representing Bianca's age can be written as:

B = 3M - 4

In this expression, "B" represents Bianca's age, and "M" represents Marcos' age.