Which of the following is a fragment? A. The dancer floated across the stage. B. The truth can be unpleasant. C. The canoe withe the blue ropes. D. The rams locked horns, and the tourists watched them from far away. I chose C

You're right.

thank you

You're welcome.

You are correct, option C "The canoe with the blue ropes" is a fragment. A fragment is a group of words that is incomplete and cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. It lacks a subject and/or a predicate.

To identify fragments, you need to look for incomplete thoughts or phrases that do not express a complete idea. In this case, option C does not include a main verb or a subject that performs the action. It only provides a description of the canoe but does not form a complete sentence.

In contrast, options A, B, and D are complete sentences. Option A "The dancer floated across the stage" contains a subject (the dancer) and a predicate (floated across the stage) that expresses a complete thought. Option B "The truth can be unpleasant" also has a subject (the truth) and a complete predicate (can be unpleasant). Option D "The rams locked horns, and the tourists watched them from far away" contains two independent clauses connected by the conjunction "and," forming a complete sentence.