Write a puesdocode to read the marks of a number of students who took an examination, terminated by the mark 101. The psuedocode should count the number of students who pass and the number of students who fail. The pass mark is 60%. Finally the psuedocode should output the number of students who passed and the number of students who failed, as well as the the number of students who took the exam

To solve this problem, we can follow the given pseudocode instructions step by step. Here's a pseudocode that reads the marks of students, counts the number of passing and failing students, and outputs the results:

Set passMark = 60
Set numOfStudents = 0
Set numOfPassingStudents = 0
Set numOfFailingStudents = 0

Repeat the following until the mark is 101:
Read mark
If mark is not equal to 101:
Add 1 to numOfStudents
If mark is greater than or equal to passMark:
Add 1 to numOfPassingStudents
Add 1 to numOfFailingStudents

Output "Number of Students: " + numOfStudents
Output "Number of Passing Students: " + numOfPassingStudents
Output "Number of Failing Students: " + numOfFailingStudents

In this pseudocode, we initialize the variables `numOfStudents`, `numOfPassingStudents`, and `numOfFailingStudents` to zero. We then use a loop to repeatedly read the marks of students until the input mark is 101 (which indicates the end of input). Within the loop, we increment the `numOfStudents` variable by 1 for each student and check if the mark is equal to or greater than the `passMark`. If it is, we increment the `numOfPassingStudents` by 1; otherwise, we increment the `numOfFailingStudents` by 1. Finally, the pseudocode outputs the total number of students, the number of passing students, and the number of failing students.

To implement this pseudocode in a programming language, you need to choose a suitable language and convert the pseudocode into the syntax of that language.