C. La vida de dos estudiantes. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Rodrigo y su novia estáis (estar) despiertos a las siete de la mañana.

2. Ella prepara (preparar) el café y, a las ocho de la mañana, los dos tomamos el desayuno juntos.

3. Mientras Rodrigo escucha (escuchar) música, su novia prácticas yoga.

4. Rodrigo y su novia lleve (llevar) tres cursos.

5. Rodrigo estudiaro (estudiar) español y su novia medicina. ¡Son muy buenos estudiantes!

number 5 should be estudio, but other than that the rest of them look correct.

5. Present Tense = estudia

Preterit = estudió
Preterit MUST have written accent mark.


To complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, follow these steps:

1. Determine the subject of the sentence. In this case, it is Rodrigo y su novia (Rodrigo and his girlfriend).

2. Identify the tense and form of the verb needed. In this case, it is present tense, so we need the correct form of the verb in the present tense.

3. Apply the correct form of the verb based on the subject. In each sentence, the verb needs to agree with the subject.

Now let's complete the sentences:

1. Rodrigo y su novia están (estar) despiertos a las siete de la mañana.
- We use the present tense form of the verb estar, which is están, because the subject (Rodrigo y su novia) is plural.

2. Ella prepara (preparar) el café y, a las ocho de la mañana, los dos tomamos el desayuno juntos.
- We use the present tense form of the verb preparar, which is prepara, because the subject ella (she) is singular.

3. Mientras Rodrigo escucha (escuchar) música, su novia practica yoga.
- We use the present tense form of the verb escuchar, which is escucha, because the subject Rodrigo is singular.

4. Rodrigo y su novia llevan (llevar) tres cursos.
- We use the present tense form of the verb llevar, which is llevan, because the subject (Rodrigo y su novia) is plural.

5. Rodrigo estudia (estudiar) español y su novia estudia medicina. ¡Son muy buenos estudiantes!
- We use the present tense form of the verb estudiar, which is estudia, because the subject Rodrigo is singular. In the second part of the sentence, we use the present tense form of the verb estudiar, which is estudia, again because the subject su novia (his girlfriend) is singular.
- Note: There seems to be a typo in the initial sentence. Instead of "Rodrigo estudiaro," it should be "Rodrigo estudia."