C. La vida de dos estudiantes. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Rodrigo y su novia estáis despiertos a las siete de la mañana.

2. Ella prepara el café y, a las ocho de la mañana, los dos tomamos el desayuno juntos.

3. Mientras Rodrigo escucha música, su novia prácticas yoga.

4. Rodrigo y su novia lleve tres cursos.

Rodrigo estudios español y su novia medicina. ¡Son muy buenos estudiantes!

Which verbs are in parentheses?

C. La vida de dos estudiantes. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Rodrigo y su novia estáis (estar) despiertos a las siete de la mañana.

2. Ella prepara (preparar) el café y, a las ocho de la mañana, los dos tomamos el desayuno juntos.

3. Mientras Rodrigo escucha (escuchar) música, su novia prácticas yoga.

4. Rodrigo y su novia lleve (llevar) tres cursos.

5. Rodrigo estudiaro (estudiar) español y su novia medicina. ¡Son muy buenos estudiantes!

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

1. están

2. OK
3. OK
4. llevan
5. estudia (Present) or estudió (Preterit)

If the subject is plural = ellos


1. Rodrigo y su novia están despiertos a las siete de la mañana. (Estar)

To determine the correct form of the verb, you need to identify the subject of the sentence and use the appropriate form of the verb "estar" in the present tense for that subject. In this case, the subject is "Rodrigo y su novia," which is a plural subject. Therefore, the correct form of the verb "estar" is "están."

2. Ella prepara el café y, a las ocho de la mañana, los dos tomamos el desayuno juntos. (Tomar)
To determine the correct form of the verb, you need to identify the subject of the sentence and use the appropriate form of the verb "tomar" in the present tense for that subject. In this case, the subject is "los dos," which is a plural subject. Therefore, the correct form of the verb "tomar" is "tomamos."

3. Mientras Rodrigo escucha música, su novia practica yoga. (Practicar)
To determine the correct form of the verb, you need to identify the subject of the sentence and use the appropriate form of the verb "practicar" in the present tense for that subject. In this case, the subject is "su novia," which is a singular subject. Therefore, the correct form of the verb "practicar" is "practica."

4. Rodrigo y su novia llevan tres cursos. (Llevar)
To determine the correct form of the verb, you need to identify the subject of the sentence and use the appropriate form of the verb "llevar" in the present tense for that subject. In this case, the subject is "Rodrigo y su novia," which is a plural subject. Therefore, the correct form of the verb "llevar" is "llevan."

5. Rodrigo estudia español y su novia estudia medicina. ¡Son muy buenos estudiantes! (Estudiar)
To determine the correct form of the verb, you need to identify the subject of the sentence and use the appropriate form of the verb "estudiar" in the present tense for that subject. In this case, the subject is "Rodrigo" and "su novia," which are singular subjects. Therefore, the correct form of the verb "estudiar" is "estudia."