How to balance a chemical equations quickly? please tell me a shortcut to balance any type of equations.

check the mole quickly

I've been at this a long time and there aren't any short cuts. Experience in balancing many many equations helps tremendously.

For redox equation there are rules to follow.
For the others it is hit and miss. The easiest way I have found is to
a. look on the left and what we have and make the right side the same.
b. For others it is easier to look on the right side to see what we need then make the left side match.

Balancing chemical equations requires careful observation and application of the rules of stoichiometry. While there is no magical shortcut to instantly balance any equation, there are systematic steps you can follow to help balance equations more efficiently. Here's a general approach to balance chemical equations quickly:

1. Start by identifying the elements involved in the equation and make a note of their counts on both sides of the equation.

2. Balance the most complex or polyatomic ion first, if present on both sides of the equation.

3. Next, balance the atoms in an element that appears only once on each side of the equation.

4. Balance the remaining atoms, one element at a time, starting from the left side of the equation and moving towards the right side.

5. You can adjust the coefficients and use fractions, if necessary, to balance the equation completely.

Remember, there may be cases where balancing the equation following these steps can become more complex due to multiple atoms or elements. In those situations, it is helpful to break down the equation into smaller parts and balance them individually before combining them.

Practice and familiarity with common chemical reactions, like combustion or acid-base reactions, will also allow you to recognize patterns and balance equations more quickly over time.

Using online equation balancers or software can also be useful, as they can quickly provide you with a balanced equation by performing intricate calculations.

Remember, balancing chemical equations is a fundamental skill in chemistry, and practicing regularly will improve your ability to balance them more quickly and efficiently.