Kate is saving to take an SAT Prep course that costs $350 and saved $180 and she adds $17 to her savings each week. How many more weeks must she save to be able to afford the course?

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350 - 180 = 170

170/17 = ?


What is the equation that you would set up to solve this problem?

To find out how many more weeks Kate must save, we need to calculate the difference between the cost of the SAT Prep course and the amount she currently has.

Step 1: Subtract the amount Kate already has from the cost of the course.
$350 - $180 = $170

Step 2: Divide the remaining amount by the weekly savings amount to determine how many weeks Kate needs to save.
$170 / $17 = 10

Therefore, Kate needs to save for another 10 weeks in order to afford the SAT Prep course.