Can someone tell me if this is correct: How many forces act on an upwardly tossed coin when it gets to the top of its path?

A. one the force due to gravity
B. two gravity & the force in the coin itself
C. three gravity the coins internal force & a turnaround force
D. none of the above
I think it is A....if not can you give me a site where I can find it. Thanks

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the situation and consider the forces acting on an upwardly tossed coin when it reaches the top of its path.

At the top of its path, the coin momentarily hangs in the air before starting to descend. There are several forces that could potentially be acting on the coin at this point. Let's analyze the options given:

A. One force: the force due to gravity - This option suggests that only gravity is acting on the coin at the top of its path. This would mean that no other forces are present.

B. Two forces: gravity and the force in the coin itself - This option suggests that, in addition to the force of gravity, there is an internal force within the coin that is acting on it.

C. Three forces: gravity, the coin's internal force, and a turnaround force - This option introduces a "turnaround force" on top of gravity and the coin's internal force.

D. None of the above - This option indicates that none of the listed forces are acting on the coin at the top of its path.

To determine the correct answer, we need to consider the nature of the forces involved. The primary force acting on the coin throughout its motion is gravity. Gravity pulls the coin downward at all times. However, at the top of its path, its velocity momentarily becomes zero. In this instance, there is no force acting on the coin other than gravity. The coin's internal force and a turnaround force are not applicable here.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. There is only one force acting on the upwardly tossed coin at the top of its path, which is the force due to gravity.

If you would like to explore further or verify this information, you can refer to reliable physics resources or websites such as:

- Physics Classroom:
- Khan Academy:

These platforms provide comprehensive explanations and educational material to enhance your understanding of physics concepts.