solve using substitution


This one is easy. x is already expressed in terms of y in the second equation. You only have to replace the x in the forst equation with the expression from the second equation. You get that:


When we place this value for y in the second equation, we find that


So, y=11 and x=13

Sure, I can help you solve the system of equations using the substitution method. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Start with the given equations:
3x - 4y = -5 ----(equation 1)
x = y + 2 ----(equation 2)

Step 2: Take equation 2 and substitute it into equation 1 for x:
3(y + 2) - 4y = -5

Step 3: Now, solve this equation for y:
3y + 6 - 4y = -5
-y + 6 = -5
-y = -5 - 6
-y = -11
y = 11

Step 4: Substitute the value of y back into equation 2 to find the value of x:
x = 11 + 2
x = 13

Step 5: Check your solution by substituting the values of x and y into equation 1:
3(13) - 4(11) = -5
39 - 44 = -5
-5 = -5

Step 6: Verify that the solution is correct by checking if the values satisfy both equations.

So, the solution to the system of equations is x = 13 and y = 11.